El Vicerrectorado de Innovación Social y Emprendimiento de la Universidad de Málaga, convoca el Programa de valorización de las potencialidades de explotación de los resultados de investigación, generados por el Personal Investigador de la Universidad, a través de la creación de una Empresa de Base Tecnológica.

Destinado a investigadores individuales o grupos de investigación de la Universidad de Málaga cuyos resultados de investigación sean susceptibles de ser explotados comercialmente y motivo para la creación de una empresa de base tecnológica, se concederán hasta un total de 4 ayudas destinadas a sendos grupos de investigación, no pudiéndose conceder más de una ayuda a un mismo grupo.

El plazo para la presentación de solicitudes de participación en esta convocatoria será de 30 días naturales a partir de la fecha de publicación de estas bases, es decir, hasta el 27 de diciembre de 2018.

Para participar en programa el Personal Investigador interesado deberá presentar el modelo de solicitud «Anexo I» de la resolución (disponible para descargar en esta web), así como los correspondientes documentos acreditativos de la información indicada en la misma,  de forma física en Registro General de la UMA (situado en Edificio Pabellón de Gobierno, planta baja ó en Aulario Severo Ochoa) o a través de los lugares establecidos en el artículo 16.4 de la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, del Procedimiento Administrativo Común de las Administraciones Públicas.

Además podrán adelantar la documentación electrónicamente enviando dicha documentación por email a En el asunto, deberán indicar “Solicitud de participación en el Programa Valoriza 2018”, y en el cuerpo del mensaje, reflejar los datos y participantes del proyecto presentado.

La ejecución del Programa se llevará a cabo durante los meses de diciembre de 2018 a mayo de 2019.

The department/ Vicerectory of Social Innovation and Entrepeneurship of UMA, through the department of Business Cooperation and Employment Promotion, announces the XX Spin-Off start-ups contest for university students, aiming to encourage entrepreneurial activity to UMA students and promoting new innovative companies.
If you want to know more about the Spin-Off Awards:


UMA Students and Graduates 
Students in the las two years of study and graduates who have completed these in the last two years (including postgraduate and degree studies).
Projects of Investigation / Groups of investigation
Whose business plan is base don the xploitation of research results, technologies or technological services developed at the University.
* Exceptionally may participate companies created in the current year if they meet the above conditions.

Modalities of participation

Free Mode
The projects presented by this form must be original, innovative and based on the ideas of the participants.


  1. Project may be presented individually or in group.
  2. Each participant can submit several business projects, in both modalities.
  3. Projects that were awarded in previous contests can not be considered for participation.
  4. The main objetive is to create a technological based innovative Company.
  5. Projects may be established physically and fiscally in the Province of Málaga.

Presentation of projects

Until June 17, 2016.
The bases and the necessary documentation to participate in the contest can be downloaded via web.
Selection guideline
  1. Innovation and creativity of the product, service, process or technology used.
  2. Level of Project developement and business viability.
  3. Innovate elements inside projects.
  4. Volume of employment and projected investment.
  5. Equipment for various disciplines (training, experience, management skills…)
  6. Level of Involvement of entrepreneurs.
  7. Percentage of team members (at least 50%) who to carry out the requirements of participation.


3000 € prizes will be awarded. These prizes are sponsored by various institutions.
UMA will award to these projects an office inside its space LINK by UMA-Atech. The duration of the stay will be between 6 and 12 months, as long as the awarded participants CUMPLAN the requirements previously described
  • Training and advice for the development of the business plan.
  • Technical support and advice on legal, administrative and tax documentation for companies.
  • Guidance on business management.
  • Specialized legal advice.
  • Finding sources of funding support.

Previous awarded projects: